Justine Knight: Sketches

Justine Knight: Sketches

Justine Knight has viewed the global Church of the Nazarene from multiple perspectives. She lives in Bethany, Oklahoma with her husband, General Superintendent Emeritus John A. Knight, Sr.

Q. Which historical figure interests you the most?

A. Susanna Wesley, for the manner in which she reared all those children, especially with her husband away most of the time.

Q. What do you consider your most significant achievement?

A. My three children, who are Christians and serve God.

Q. What was your most memorable destination?

A. Havana, Cuba.

Q. Who are your heroes in real life?

A. Our pastors and their spouses. They carry a heavy load and support us in prayer.

Q. What trait do you most value in your friends?

A. Sincerity.

Q. What is your motto?

A. "When in doubt, eat out." Or, "Treat others as you want to be treated."

Q. What is your concept of joy?

A. To know God's love, and to share it.

Q. What trait most concerns you in others?

A. Phoniness.

Q. What trait most concerns you in yourself?

A. Inability to think logically.

Q. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

A. I'd be a size 8.

Q. What skills do you appreciate in others?

A. Musical abilities and organizational skills.

Q. When and where have you seen holiness reflected?

A. My mother reflected holiness every day. She was always helping others, especially those who couldn't help themselves.

Q. If you were to start a new career, what would you like to do?

A. I'd be a trial lawyer, like Perry Mason.

Q. Who has been your greatest teacher?

A. My husband, John A. Knight, Sr.

Q. Do you have a key scripture verse?

A. My key scripture passage is Jeremiah 18:3-6. My high school Sunday school teacher urged us to memorize this, and it has been a stabilizing passage for me.

Q. Name a character trait you appreciate in yourself.

A. My sense of humor, which helps me through trying times.

Q. Who is the person you would most like to meet?

A. Laura Bush.

Q. What is your most enjoyable free-time activity?

A. Reading, or playing with my grandson. (It's a tie!)

Q. Where is the place that you feel most comfortable?

A. The beach.

Q. If you had more time in your daily life, what would you do?

A. Clean my house for the first year.

Q. Name the person you most admire.

A. Mother Teresa.

Q. What makes you laugh?

A. Watching people in airports.

Q. When have you felt courageous?

A. I have to summon lots of courage whenever I speak publicly.

Q. Briefly describe life on the road with a general superintendent.

A. When my husband was elected general superintendent, we were shocked, and unaware of all that the job entailed. Travel is never easy, but everywhere we went, our people arranged for us the very best accommodations they had, and were most kind to us. John has a terrific sense of humor, and this helped us make the best of any situation. Nazarenes everywhere are devoted servants of God, and we felt blessed to be with them. I made lots of mistakes, and no doubt said the wrong things in many countries, but our missionaries managed to explain and got me out of hot water.

Q. How do you want to be remembered?

A. As someone who was real, and who genuinely cared about people.

Holiness Today, Nov/Dec 2004

Please note: This article was originally published in 2004. All facts, figures, and titles were accurate to the best of our knowledge at that time but may have since changed.
