
Dec, 01, 2009 0
Agatha was only 16 years old. Although she was a teenager, her pastor trusted Agatha to plan a mission trip for her youth group, leaving their home town of Nilopoli, Brazil, to work in Curitiba, Brazil. Agatha, now a mother of three young children recalls how she "took applications, rented a bus,…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
Ann Cubie Rearick and Mary Rearick Paul, mother and daughter, were both raised in ministry homes and are both still in ministry. Here, these women express their perspectives regarding the experience of growing up in a holiness environment. Ann Cubie Rearick: "Follow peace with all men, and…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
The Church recently celebrated Pentecost. Christians rejoice that the Holy Spirit has been poured out in such a way as to expand the Church beyond all borders and boundaries. Acts 2 (echoing the prophetic words of Joel 2) and the Gospels demonstrate that God seeks to extend His Church and His…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
Nearly every morning, Annie (my Golden Retriever) and I go for a walk. I’m fairly certain that our walks are different than some: ours is an adventure in discovery. We stop at every telephone pole and every pillar. Every blowing leaf has to be examined and trash is a gold mine just waiting to be…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
Call and consecration are two powerful aspects of holiness and they relate to our status in relation to God. Through God's call and our consecration to God, we have been drawn into a special relation—we are God's possession and are dedicated to God's exclusive service. We have been spiritually…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
Seven years ago*, God dragged John Mohan "kicking and screaming" into a new career. Mohan, an ordained elder in the Church of the Nazarene, went from being a self-described "typical white suburban pastor, with little awareness of homelessness," to chief executive officer (CEO) of Siloam Mission,…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
When I was a child, many things frightened me: junkyard dogs, lurking shadows in my bedroom at night, and most of all, big bullies. Those threatening guys at Walthall Elementary School, in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, stalked me and made my life miserable. Evidently my experience is not isolated.…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
"If I really connect, I bet I could hit the ball into the ocean." From the batter's box, this thought has occurred to virtually every right-handed hitter. It looks possible. The baseball field at Point Loma Nazarene University is one of the most scenic in America, with the left field fence…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
On Sunday, April 13, 2008, the Peniel Church of the Nazarene in Greenville, Texas, celebrated its 100th anniversary. This church was organized in April 1908, six months before the merger in Pilot Point, Texas, which marked the beginning of the Church of the Nazarene 100 years ago. The Peniel church…
Dec, 01, 2009 0
Q: Is there a "Christian" way to think about, and use, power and authority? A: Models of church authority abound, from the Pope speaking to Roman Catholics "ex Cathedra," to the consensus model of Quakers. Culture today tends to push us toward the "Pastor-as-CEO" model. Before adopting it…