Connecting with the Global Church

The world we live in is on our doorstep. We need to be involved in people's lives, taking time to get out of our "comfort zone" to connect with our family members wherever they are.

  • Envision a worldwide family. The Church of the Nazarene has a presence in 150 world areas encompassing a variety of languages, cultures, and ethnic groups. In spite of differences, each individual member contributes to the make-up of the family.
  • Encourage the global family. Family members need to know that we are concerned for each other. Holiness Today, NCN News, the prayer mobilization line, and regional and departmental newsletters help keep the family informed and inspired.
  • Energize with prayer. Take time to pray for God's anointing on church leaders, pastors, lay people, and children. James 5:16 says, "The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective."
  • Equip for ministry. Radio is still the vital link to most of our constituency in world areas. The printed page also continues to make an impact by providing information, education, inspiration, and discipleship. The use of DVDs, CDs, tapes, satellite, TV, and so on to communicate our message has broadened the scope and effectiveness of ministry.
  • Evangelize the lost. The various tools being used today, such as the JESUS Film, EvangeCube, Youth in Mission, music, compassionate ministries, and so on, are fulfilling the command, "by all possible means . . . save some" (1 Corinthians 9:22). The harvest is white.
  • Educate the disciples. Each local church is responsible for training the family to grow in Christ and care for the needs of the local and global family. Having a world perspective is vital to the health of the family.
  • Enlist the family. We need to be willing to get involved through Work and Witness teams, Mission Corps (formerly Nazarenes in Volunteer Services), prayer vigils, and financial giving for special needs. And we need to be willing to send our sons and daughters.

Don Messer is pastor to missionaries for the denomination's World Mission Department.

Please note: All facts, figures, and titles were accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of original publication but may have since changed.
