Yes, Julia Loved Jesus

The last words Julia said to me as I left her little house were, “Thank you for giving me the opportunity to make this gift.” As I headed back to the airport, I began to think about how Julia had modeled generosity, not only in her gift, but in her life and attitude about giving. 

Her long life had not been easy. She had faint memories of going to Sunday School as a young girl and learning to sing “Jesus Loves Me.” Her mother would give her five pennies for the Sunday School offering, which Julia then shared with her three brothers and sister so each of them would have a penny to put in the offering plate. Learning the lessons of giving as a girl, she experienced the joy of living a generous life. She not only gave her pennies; she also gave her time and talents. 

Generosity does not prevent tragedy. At the age of nine, her father left home and her mother was unable to support the family. Julia and her siblings were sent to various homes. Her world had fallen apart and it would be more than 50 years before she ever saw her siblings again, but she remembered “Jesus Loves Me.”

She met and married Myron. He thought he could not afford to attend Eastern Nazarene College (ENC), but the staff and faculty of the school let him work there to cover his expenses. This generous act, witnessed by Julia, served to expand her own generosity. Later, Julia and Myron began to give to the ENC scholarship program so that other young people could receive the benefits of a Christian education.

In the sunset years, Julia, now a widow, became increasingly dependent on others. Kind people began to assist her in various ways. Her response was predictable. She increased her giving to the ENC scholarship program. She established a charitable gift annuity for the benefit of her caregivers.

As her own life challenges were increasing, giving became her way of sharing the good news that “Jesus Loves Me.” 

In the last year of her life, Julia endured five surgeries. The words of “Jesus Loves Me” continued to echo in her mind and offer comfort. She lived the third verse which reads:

Jesus loves me still today,

Walking with me on my way,

Wanting as a friend to give

Light and love to all who live.

Julia wanted to be a friend who gave light and love to others; she wanted to give like Jesus.

Last year, Julia passed away. However, the end of her story cannot yet be written.

Her generosity will continue to touch lives through the years. Julia became a wise steward of what God had entrusted to her care. She partnered with the Church of the Nazarene Foundation to establish outright gifts, charitable gift annuities, and endowments, which will give light and love to others.

For more information on the Church of the Nazarene Foundation:

Ken Roney is president of the Church of the Nazarene Foundation.

Please Note: All facts, figures, and titles were accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time this article was published but may have since changed. 
