In Case You Missed It - Jan/Feb 2022

In Case You Missed It - Jan/Feb 2022

Peru Nazarenes pay tribute to missionary Addie Garman

Addie Garman, a missionary who served in Peru for more than 45 years, was laid to rest at the Nuevo Horizonte Mission Station during a memorial service attended by over a thousand people. Read more >>


California pastor rescues cars, souls through ‘ministry on wheels’

A Nazarene pastor in Los Angeles, California, who also works as a tow truck driver has been sharing the love of Jesus Christ during his service calls since 2014. Through his “ministry on wheels,” he has led over 20 people to the Lord. Read more >>


Cabo Verde celebrates 120 years

The Church of the Nazarene in Cabo Verde recently celebrated its 120th anniversary. Under the leadership of General Superintendent Eugénio Duarte, attendees remembered the past, analysed the present, and looked toward the future. Read more >>


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Holiness Today, Jan/Feb 2022


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