Christmastide Devotionals

December 25
Day 1: Merry Christmas!
Scripture: Matthew 2:2 - "Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him."
When Scott and I were pastoring, Christmas Day was the light at the end of a very chaotic tunnel. Of course, we cherished the arrival of baby Jesus, but honestly, surviving the supposed 'season of cheer' felt like a small miracle of its own. One year, between our church duties and our four kids' schedules, we attended 21 Christmas parties and events. This highlights how even pastors can get caught up in the holiday madness. Somehow, the sacred and the Hallmark hustle had blended into a frenzy of merry mayhem.
Whether you're reading this well-rested and joyful or completely drained from the holiday hoopla, I invite you to join me on a 12-day Christmas adventure called Christmastide.
The wise men, or Magi, were scholars who followed a dazzling star, believing it heralded the birth of a great king. They embarked on an epic journey of faith and determination. And, while we don’t have a bright star leading the way, we still have a God who speaks to and leads us. I must admit, unlike the Magi, I’m no scholar—just a mid-life modern woman going all in with Jesus. My prayer is that we’ll create a new tradition together, one your soul will eagerly anticipate each year. Merry Christmas and get ready; we’re off to find the manger!
Daily Gift to Unwrap: Find a cozy, private space, grab a new journal, and light a candle to remind you that this is a holy space for the next 11 days. Write down how your body and soul feel today.
Prayer: Father, I give you permission to help me unwrap the gift of Jesus I have been leaving unopened year after year. Direct my steps as I travel to Epiphany Sunday.
December 26
Day 2: The Journey Begins
Scripture: Matthew 2:9 – “After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was.”
Last year was my first time celebrating Christmastide, and it was both life giving and life changing. Contrary to popular belief, the 12 days of Christmas span from Christmas Day to Epiphany (January 6), not the days leading up. The Christmas season is a gift we give to others; Christmastide is a gift we give ourselves.
The parties, shopping, church events, baking, and stress are over. The tree has no wrapped presents, and perhaps that is the best present of all. Christmastide is not something you can buy or give, but only receive. You must find quiet to experience it.
On this journey, I am asking myself: What do I long to see God do? What is my soul longing for? What gift is the birth of Jesus in my life? What does it look like to accept this gift? I’m also asking God to do something new in my life, to take me deeper into him.
Daily Gift to Unwrap: Find a quiet space and ask the Holy Spirit to show you what this Christmastide journey should look like. Now the hard part: quiet even the music and go on a long walk outdoors or just sit and listen. If listening for a God which whispers is new for you, I encourage you to ask God to wake you in the night with his voice. That quiet voice you hear will eventually be recognizable even in noisy, crowded spaces.
Prayer: Father, help me to unwrap the invisible gift I’ve left under the tree for years. Speak so I know that you not only see me but love me. Holy Spirit, I trust you to guide me on this journey to Jesus.
December 27
Day 3: Courage to Let Go
Scripture: Proverbs 3:6 - "In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."
This morning, I am sitting in a quiet space with my fireplace warming me, a candle reminding me God is here, and a Christmas tree that is starting to beg me to go deeper in my view of Christmas. It’s almost as if the tree is my cheerleader, saying, “Debbie, for such a time as this you are meant to sit and listen.”
Today we must be BRAVE as we unwrap with 100% honesty what is and isn’t working in our lives. I think I may leave some of my “nothing grew from that” activities along the path today. They are weighing me down and making me so tired. Yet knowing nothing grew from them doesn’t make it easy to leave. My goal today is to make a list of what isn’t growing good fruit or beautiful flowers and to say goodbye, as I won’t be planting that in 2025.
Letting go . . . I think this will be so hard for most of us, as some things we keep planting are “good things,” but we must keep traveling and focus on planting what will produce fruit and beautiful flowers.
Daily Gift to Unwrap: Journal what worked in 2024 . . . What did I plant last year that grew beautifully? What did I plant that grew weeds? What was so exhausting it almost killed me? Why do I keep planting it knowing it won’t grow? How will I let go of things that aren’t bearing fruit?
Prayer: Father, I ask you to help me be brave and honest as I look back on the last year. Show me, Holy Spirit, what I need to let go of, and what needs pruned so my coming year will bear good fruit.
December 28
Day 4: Following the Guiding Star
Scripture: Matthew 2:10 - "When they saw the star, they were overjoyed."
The star that led the wise men to Jesus symbolizes divine guidance and the light of Christ. It was a beacon of hope amidst darkness.
Isn’t it comforting to know that we don’t have to navigate life’s twists and turns alone? God’s leadership is like a divine GPS that never fails and always knows the best route.
Personally, I have a terrible sense of direction. But unlike my often flawed sense of direction, God’s guidance is perfect. He leads me with purpose and clarity, even when the way seems unclear or challenging.
In our daily hustle and bustle, it’s easy to rely on our own understanding. Yet, seeking God’s direction aligns us with the right path. Whether it’s decision making at work, family dynamics, or loving our neighbors, inviting God to lead us transforms our journey from chaotic to purposeful.
God’s guidance is a precious gift. Have you ever scheduled a "date" with God? Not just reading the Bible, but really inviting him into activities you love? For example: “God, thanks for joining me on my trip to my favorite coffee shop.” From experience, God loves Starbucks coffee dates and long walks!
Some might say this isn’t how you celebrate Christmastide, but why not make it personal? Today, let’s put flesh on God and ask him to show us that he sees us and will guide us!
Daily Gift to Unwrap: Schedule something that delights you, and invite God to join you. Invite him into your everyday world. Like a good parent, he loves being included in things that delight you. God is ready and waiting.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, I rejoice in Your guidance. Just as the wise men were overjoyed by the star, help me be attuned to Your divine direction. Thank You for seeing me and leading me. Fill my heart with assurance that I am never alone.
December 29
Day 5: The Gifts of the Magi
Scripture: Matthew 2:11 - "On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshipped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh."
Today, let’s focus on the wise men, the Magi. Did you know we aren’t sure there were three of them? I always assumed there were three, but we don’t have proof. My resident theologian added another fact: we don’t even know what languages they spoke. Can you imagine Mary trying to understand these men? She must have felt divine assurance because no mom lets strangers near her child unless she’s sure of something!
But why do we picture three wise men? Is it because of the Trinity, or the three gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh?
What were these wise men like? Though we usually imagine three, it could have been more. Regardless, they were educated and seeking God. I wonder what their conversation was like.
Remember, we are not on life’s journey alone. God wants to guide us and has placed others in our path to walk with us. Look for fellow travelers; they may be interesting characters, and that’s okay! Respect each other and remember your common goal: to seek Jesus, God in the flesh. He will lead you to the next right decision.
Like the wise men, we also have talents and gifts in our treasure chests that we can bring to Jesus. They might not be gold, frankincense, and myrrh, but they are just as valuable.
Daily Gift to Unwrap: Take some time to think about the gifts God has given you and how you can offer them back to the world and to Jesus in this coming year. Give God permission to speak to you in new and creative ways.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for the lessons I learn through the story of the Magi. Just as they followed the star to find Your Son, guide me to follow You in my daily life. Help me recognize and use the gifts you have given me, sharing them with the world.
December 30
Day 6: Looking Back to Move Forward
Scripture: Psalm 121
Tomorrow is New Year’s Eve, a time for celebration and dreaming about the coming year! However, today, let’s look back. It’s taken me a while to decide . . . can I share this? Yes, I’ve decided I should, to be as honest and helpful as possible.
For some, looking back is too painful. It’s full of “should haves,” “wish I would haves,” “wish I wouldn’t haves,” and “why did that have to happen?” thoughts. I’ve had those. Fear kept me stuck for a long time.
There was a time in my life when going to church was so painful I would have to pull over to throw up on my way . . . and yes, I was the pastor’s wife. That situation triggered old feelings of betrayal as memories resurfaced from my college and growing up years. With a godly counselor’s help, wisdom, and prayers, they are now scars—not wounds that still hurt.
Looking out the window behind me, the grass is dead, and snow is falling. While I love summer and its warmth and sunshine, I now see beauty hidden in winter. God is in both seasons.
I’m proud of the self-love and work I have done to turn wounds into scars. They’re a part of my story but don’t hurt to think about anymore. I don’t think God caused them, but I believe he can use those painful times to help others. I’m proud of doing the hard work and not letting those painful situations get the last word! God’s got the last word, visible in my healing.
Daily Gift to Unwrap: Be brave and look back at your life. Ask the Holy Spirit if there is healing that needs to happen. If the answer is yes, commit to finding the help you need to turn that wound into a scar.
Prayer: God, I trust that you are always with me, even in challenging circumstances. I find peace knowing you are close. Help me to be strong and courageous. Thank you for being my guide and protector.
December 31
Day 7: Joy in the Middle of the Journey
Scripture: Philippians 3:13-14 - "Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."
As we journey through Christmastide, we find ourselves on Day 7. The middle of any journey can feel tough; the initial excitement fades, and the end isn’t yet in sight. It’s like savoring a favorite dessert—you cherish the first and last bites the most. Long hikes feel the same; the start and the finish are thrilling, but the middle? That’s where perseverance is key.
Think of the wise men and their journey to see Jesus. By Day 7, the excitement had faded, but the end was still far off. They must have found ways to keep their spirits high. Perhaps one of them was the storyteller, enlivening the group’s journey through shared wisdom and laughter.
Tonight is New Year’s Eve, a time of celebration and reflection. Last year, we celebrated with a “Your Favorites” party. Each person brings three favorite items and places them unwrapped under the tree—these can be favorite books, foods, anything they love. Sharing and exchanging these favorites reminds us of the love and community that sustains us on our unique journeys.
Much like our favorites party, leaning on the experiences and joys of others can inspire us to keep going. Seek advice and wisdom from those a few steps ahead on the journey. In these shared moments that we find collective strength and joy.
Daily Gift to Unwrap: What “favorite” can you share with others today? Whether it’s a cherished Scripture, a kind word, or even your favorite BBQ sauce, share it on social media and spread the joy of Christmastide.
Prayer: Lord, fill my heart with joy and excitement for this sacred journey. Guide me through the tough middle moments, reassuring me with your presence. Grant me the courage to let go of my fears and the faith to follow wherever you lead.
January 1
Day 8: Traveling in His story
Scripture: Joshua 1:9 - "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
Happy New Year!
We continue traveling with the wise men, bringing their gifts to Baby Jesus, following a star, and trusting a God we cannot see but whom we know is leading.
Have you ever wondered what might have been the outcome if Joseph hadn’t rallied courage, listened to the angel, and exchanged his plans for God’s? He would have missed out on being part of the Jesus story. God’s story and Jesus’ birth would still have happened, but Joseph wouldn’t have witnessed it up close or experienced being used by God.
We too have the option of being part of God’s story—it’s a daily choice. I encourage you not to sprinkle God on top with a little church and devotions here and there. My husband, Scott, and I call this “condiment God”: just sprinkle a little God on top of your plans to make you feel like God is leading. I’ve yet to see that really work. If you want purpose and meaning in this life, give your life to God and see what he can do with it. I find he leads me with arrows, step by step, day by day. Let’s keep walking.
Did you know there isn’t one—not one—scripture that says your best life is behind you? So keep looking ahead, following God’s leading no matter what chapter of life you are in.
May this coming year be one full of everything that makes you smile, fills you with passion and purpose. You have a part in his story!
Daily Gift to Unwrap: Confess to God where you find yourself today. If 2025 was to be one of the best years of your life, what would it look like? Write down the details and then share it with God and pray over it.
Prayer: Father, as I start this new year, I ask you to start something new in me. Guide me step by step to live into your story, not my story with you sprinkled on top.
January 2
Day 9: Praise Him
Scripture: Philippians 4:8 - "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."
As we continue our journey to Epiphany Sunday, I encourage you to research Christmastide and Epiphany Sunday, also known as Three Kings Day. Coming from a non-liturgical tradition, this was all new to me last year, and I found the research fascinating. With Epiphany Sunday approaching, there are numerous ways to celebrate this wonderful day.
Epiphany was established by early church leaders in the third century. Since “epiphany” means “manifestation,” early celebrations honored four events: Christ’s birth, the Magi’s adoration, Christ’s baptism, and the first miracle at Cana. Traditions observing Epiphany vary worldwide and have evolved over time. During the Middle Ages, celebrations focused on the Magi’s journey, including processions, ceremonies, nativity plays, and carnivals. In some traditions, children receive gifts on this day rather than Christmas Day. In some Spanish-speaking countries, the three kings, not Santa Claus, deliver the gifts.
I enjoy exploring the practices of other Christian traditions. If they draw me closer to God, I keep them in my spiritual tool belt; if not, I set them aside. There’s so much we can learn from each other. I hope you don’t confine God to a box where He can only work in certain ways . . . if you do, please poke a few holes in that box so God can breathe.
Today, let’s focus on praising God. Christians around the world since the beginning have expressed their love of God with praise. Play your favorite praise music and worship the Lord of Lords as we continue our journey to the manger.
Daily Gift to Unwrap: Reflect on Philippians 4:8 and seek to incorporate the praiseworthy elements from Epiphany traditions into your life. Celebrate God’s many manifestations and let them deepen your faith. Spend time praising God.
Prayer: Lord, help me to focus on what is true, noble, and praiseworthy. Open my heart to the richness of Christian traditions and draw me closer to you.
January 3
Day 10: God’s Work, Our Joy
Scripture: Philippians 2:13 (CEB) “God is the one who enables you both to want and to actually live out his good purposes.”
As we reach our 10th day traveling together, let’s borrow a little joy from the song “The 12 Days of Christmas”: “On the 10th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me . . . 10 Lords a-leaping.” So today, we honor the joyful leaping of these 10 lords alongside the nine ladies dancing!
Dancing and leaping suggest feelings of happiness and joy. I’ve yet to see someone get up and leap or dance when they are sad. During my travels, it’s become clear that all cultures dance when they’re happy. Many weddings culminate in dancing as a communal celebration of joy.
Today, I plan to do something I wanted to during Advent but didn’t get to. Reflect for a moment: are there one or two things you wanted to do this Christmas season but didn’t? It’s not too late to bake Christmas cookies or savor a peppermint mocha. You could even throw a belated Christmas party if that’s what you want. Today we have no regrets.
The Christmas season is bustling, with Hallmark-worthy celebrations abounding—I confess, I enjoy Hallmark Christmas movies too! But Christmastide, the 12 days following Christmas, is our time to connect deeply with God. Christ’s birth shows us that he understands our feelings and thoughts. In Christmastide, we continue to find joy in all things Christmas, traveling with the wise men in spirit.
Daily Gift to Unwrap: Ask your soul what it longs for today. While we focus on leaping and fun, if quiet and rest are what your soul desires, honor that need.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for enabling me to live out Your good purposes. Guide my heart to embrace joy in the delightful leaps and dances of life. Help me to fulfill the longings of my soul, whether it be through laughter and movement or quiet rest. May I continue to feel your presence in this Christmastide season, celebrating your incredible love for us. Amen.
January 4
Day 11: Hope in the Quiet
Scripture: Psalm 62:5 - “Yes, my soul, find rest in God: my hope comes from him.”
For many years with four small children at home, quiet was not an adjective anyone would use to describe my life or our home. Today I got up at 4:30 and thought about how sometimes we must search for the quiet and peace in our world. The world and social media are so loud, offering so much noise. I encourage you to search hard— peace can be found, but often you must really seek it. Even in hard, awful, lonely seasons of life, peace can be found there. God’s peace.
As our journey is nearing an end, today we listen, this time no speaking or praying on our part. Just listen. We aren’t listening to Christmas concerts or praise music; just the quiet. Let yourself fall into the quiet like a bed of feathers. Feel the peace.
All is calm, all is at rest today. Today your goal is to find and embrace quiet spaces. Perhaps a nap is on your to-do list today. If you don’t like naps or your boss refuses to let you nap at work (my boss is great but doesn’t allow naps at work), then add a mid-day coffee or hot tea with just the quiet to your to-do list. Embrace what gifts you find waiting for you in the quiet, and it’s okay to rest.
Daily Gift to Unwrap: Find and embrace quiet spaces. Sit and listen to the quiet. Allow God to speak while you remain quiet. If you find your mind wandering, jot down the thought and then refocus on the quiet.
Prayer: Father, thank you for all the hidden blessings and direction found in the quiet spaces. Help me to hear your voice as you direct my thoughts and steps. “Speak, Lord, for I am listening.”
January 5
Day 12: Blessings!
Scripture: Numbers 6:24-26 - "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace."
We made it! Our 12-day journey together with the wise men ends as we enter the Epiphany season. If this was new for you, I hope you enjoyed it. I’m just a gal seeing God in everything and allowing him to direct my everyday life.
Nazarene churches don’t tend to be liturgically minded. Celebrating Christmastide is more common in liturgical churches. Remember, while our theology may differ, we’re all on the same team, trying to love God and let him love others through us. Try it; if you don’t like it, pull it like a weed.
Last year on my first Christmastide journey, I tried “chalking of the doors” and loved it, as did many of my Facebook friends who journeyed with me.
This liturgy marks homes at the main entrance with sacred signs, asking God’s blessing upon those who live, work, or visit throughout the year. In Exodus, Israelites marked their doors with blood; in this service, we use chalk as a sign of inviting God’s presence and blessing.
Traditionally, we remember the Magi as Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar—names not in Scripture. During the ceremony, the first letters of these names—C, M, B—are inscribed on the doorframe. Some suggest C M B stands for Christus Mansionem Benedicat, meaning, “May Christ bless this dwelling.”
These letters are inscribed between the year’s numbers. Participants inscribe symbols like: “2025 C M B 2026.”
Daily Gift to Unwrap: Pray blessings over your loved ones, each room in your home, your neighbors, your church, those hurting, and your enemies.
Prayer: Today we pray a communal prayer to remind us we aren’t on this Christian journey alone.
Heavenly Father, thank You for guiding us these 12 days. As we step into Epiphany, bless our homes, loved ones, and all who enter. May the symbols be signs of Your grace and protection. Help us love others as You’ve loved us.