A Free Call

A Free Call

Remember the days before cell phones? When I watch old reruns of television shows or older movies, I am amazed at how often the process of communication is such an important part of the plot line. Having to find a stationary pay phone or office phone often hinders the work of the main character. More than once I have caught myself saying as I watch, “If she only had a cell phone or the internet, this wouldn’t be a problem!”

We can only imagine how we will communicate in just a few short years from now. It is possible that future generations would look back and be amazed that we ever survived with only a cell phone and the internet!

Thankfully, a mode of communication that has remained constant throughout every single generation in all of history has been prayer.

The Bible reminds us that we serve a God who is always willing and ready to communicate with us.

In fact, God takes initiative in communicating with us!

God seeks out Adam and Eve in the garden after they have sinned (Gen. 3), God pursues Israel when Israel’s leaders and people go astray (Hosea 2:14), and God comes to us through Jesus Christ in order to reach out to us on our level (John 1:14). How sad we would be if God were not a God who desired to communicate with us through this interactive conversation called prayer.

According to the psalmist, if God were to remain silent, we would “be like those who go down to the pit.” Thankfully, we can be encouraged, even in our darkest times and during the busiest days. God is listening, God is seeking to fellowship with us, and God gives us this wonderful opportunity to have deep fellowship with Him through prayer.

There are no busy signals. There is no need to wait in line. And best of all, the call is free!

Prayer for the Week:

Merciful and attentive God, thank you for hearing us whenever we call. Thank you for lovingly pursuing us when we allow distractions to keep us from consistently interacting with You. And thank you, most of all, that through Your son Jesus Christ and by the power of Your Holy Spirit, we can call upon You with peace and assurance of Your love for us. Through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Charles W. Christian is managing editor of Holiness Today.

Written for devotions with Holiness Today.

Please note: All facts, figures, and titles were accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of original publication but may have since changed.
